Fall Season
Fall play is for all K5 - 8th grade girls
August 17th - October 19th
Belugas: U6 & U8 girls
Right Whales: U10 & U12 girls
Nifty Narwhals: U14 girls
Each LIFT FH season includes field hockey practice, leadership training, and a community volunteer activity.
For more about LIFT Volunteers, visit our Volunteer page.
Baby Belugas
U6 and U8 girls
U6: born in 2018 & 2019; U8: born in 2016 & 2017
August 17th 12:00-1:00 at Brookfield Academy
August 24th 1:30-2:30 at Hart Park
September 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th
October 5th, 12th
11:00-12:00 at Hart Park​
Plus these special dates:
Saturday, August 17th - 10:00am: Watch High School 7v7 at Brookfield Academy Cheer on WI HS Varsity players and learn from the high level of skills, strategy and play at the HS level before our first practice of the fall season.
Sunday, September 22nd - 11:00am: Watch College Game @ Concordia University! Cheer on the Concordia team and learn from the high level of skills, strategy and play at the college level.
Saturday, October 19th: Narwhal Games! Belugas will play a showcase game at Uihlein and are invited to cheer on Right Whale and Narwhal teammates throughout the day.
All U6 & U8 girls are welcome in our Belugas Fall Season regardless of field hockey experience. We welcome new, beginner, and experienced players and look forward to coaching each level of player to improve her individual level of play as well as grow with her teammates. Fall Season will concentrate on teamwork, stick skills, fitness, and game play. At this time, there will be no prorated payment plans, no postponed payments, and no refunds for Fall 2024.
Right Whales
U10 and U12 girls
U10: born in 2014 & 2015; U12: born in 2012 & 2013
All below dates
August 17th 12:00-1:30 at Brookfield Academy
August 24th 1:30-3:00 at Hart Park
September 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, and October 5th, 12th
11:00-12:30 at Hart Park
at Brookfield Academy
August 22nd, 29th
September 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th
October 3rd, 10th, 17th
For Game Schedule, see below.
Plus these special dates:
Saturday, August 17th: Watch High School 7v7 at Brookfield Academy Cheer on WI HS Varsity players and learn from the high level of skills, strategy and play at the HS level before our first practice of the fall season.
Saturday, September 21st: Midwest Best Fall Fest
We have the opportunity to travel to Saint Louis on September 21st for the Midwest Best Fall Fest! The tournament will host small-sided games for U10, U12, and U14 players. Please confirm your interest in participating by checking the option at Registration.
Sunday, September 22nd - 11:00am: Watch College Game @ Concordia University! Cheer on the Concordia team and learn from the high level of skills, strategy and play at the college level.
Saturday, October 5th: Magic 8v8 Showdown
We also have the opportunity to travel to Louisville on October 5th for a new regional tournament: The Magic 8v8 Showdown. The tournament will host small-sided games for U10, U12, and U14 players. Please confirm your interest in participating by checking the option at Registration.​
Saturday, October 19th: Narwhal Games! Fun 5v5 and 7v7 tournament for regional U10, U12, and U14 teams at Uihlein Soccer Park. ​
All U10 & U12 girls are welcome in our Right Whales Fall Play regardless of field hockey experience. We welcome new, beginner, and experienced players and look forward to coaching each level of player to improve her individual level of play as well as grow with her teammates. Fall Season is all about improving teamwork and skills, focusing on game strategy as well as individual skill play to improve our overall game.
At this time, there will be no prorated payment plans, no postponed payments, and no refunds for Fall 2024.
Nifty Narwhals
U14 girls born in 2010 & 2011
All below dates
August 17th 12:00-1:30 at Brookfield Academy
August 24th 1:30-3:00 at Hart Park
September 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, and October 5th, 12th
11:00-12:30 at Hart Park
at Brookfield Academy
August 22nd, 29th
September 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th
October 3rd, 10th, 17th
For Game Schedule, see below.
Plus these special dates:
Saturday, August 17th: Watch High School 7v7 at Brookfield Academy Cheer on WI HS Varsity players and learn from the high level of skills, strategy and play at the HS level before our first practice of the fall season.
Saturday, September 21st: Midwest Best Fall Fest
We have the opportunity to travel to Saint Louis on September 21st for the Midwest Best Fall Fest! The tournament will host small-sided games for U10, U12, and U14 players. Please confirm your interest in participating by checking the option at Registration.
Sunday, September 22nd - 11:00am: Watch College Game @ Concordia University! Cheer on the Concordia team and learn from the high level of skills, strategy and play at the college level.
Saturday, October 5th: Magic 8v8 Showdown
We also have the opportunity to travel to Louisville on October 5th for a new regional tournament: The Magic 8v8 Showdown. The tournament will host small-sided games for U10, U12, and U14 players. Please confirm your interest in participating by checking the option at Registration.​
Saturday, October 19th: Narwhal Games! Fun 5v5 and 7v7 tournament for regional U10, U12, and U14 teams at Uihlein Soccer Park. ​
All U14 girls are welcome in our Narwhals Fall Play regardless of field hockey experience. We welcome new, beginner, and experienced players and look forward to coaching each level of player to improve her individual level of play as well as grow with her teammates. Fall Season is all about improving teamwork and skills, focusing on game strategy as well as individual skill play to improve our overall game.
At this time, there will be no prorated payment plans, no postponed payments, and no refunds for Fall 2024.
Narwhals and Right Whales Game Schedule Fall 2024:​
U14 Narwhals (2010 & 2011 birth years) will play in all games listed below.
U12 and U10 (2012-2015 birth years) Right Whales will play in most,
and be encouraged to cheer on their teammates in some.
Some games will be full field 11v11 and some will be 1/2 or smaller field 7v7 and 5v5.
As we learn more details from coaches about the make up of their teams,
we will assess and let parents and players know who will play in each game and what format we will play.
Tuesday, September 3rd 5:00pm @ Brookfield Academy​
Tuesday, September 10th 5:00pm @ University School of Milwaukee​
Tuesday, September 17th 5:00pm @ University Lake School
Saturday, September 21st
Midwest Best Fall Fest - Saint Louis
Pending registrations, we will take U10/12 and U14 teams.
Saturday, September 28th 11:00am v Arrowhead at Hart Park
Tuesday, October 1st 5:00pm @ Brookfield Academy
Saturday, October 5th
Magic 8v8 Showdown - Louisville
Pending registrations, we will take U10/12 and U14 teams.
Saturday, October 19th
Narwhal Games @ Uihlein Soccer Park
5v5 and 7v7 Tournament hosted by LIFT
All games subject to change based on field availability, weather, and scheduling changes. If games are cancelled and we can reschedule, we will. Where there are opportunities for more games, we will schedule and let parents and players know ASAP.
Fall Extras!
For elementary and middle school players who have field hockey at their schools but want more field hockey play!
Right Whales
U10 & U12 players
Nifty Narwhals
U14 players
$260 -Saturday practices and games that don't conflict with school FH schedule
$260 - Saturday practices and games that don't conflict with school FH schedule
August 17th 1:00-2:00 at Brookfield Academy
August 24th 1:30-3:00 at Hart Park
September 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, and October 5th, 12th
11:00-12:30 at Hart Park
For Full Game Schedule,
see above.
Plus these special dates:
Saturday, August 17th: Watch High School 7v7 at Brookfield Academy Cheer on WI HS Varsity players and learn from the high level of skills, strategy and play at the HS level before our first practice of the fall season.
Saturday, September 21st: Midwest Best Fall Fest
We have the opportunity to travel to Saint Louis on September 21st for the Midwest Best Fall Fest! The tournament will host small-sided games for U10, U12, and U14 players. Please confirm your interest in participating by checking the option at Registration.
Sunday, September 22nd - 11:00am: Watch College Game @ Concordia University! Cheer on the Concordia team and learn from the high level of skills, strategy and play at the college level.
Saturday, October 5th: Magic 8v8 Showdown
We also have the opportunity to travel to Louisville on October 5th for a new regional tournament: The Magic 8v8 Showdown. The tournament will host small-sided games for U10, U12, and U14 players. Please confirm your interest in participating by checking the option at Registration.​
Saturday, October 19th: Narwhal Games! Fun 5v5 and 7v7 tournament for regional U10, U12, and U14 teams at Uihlein Soccer Park. ​
All U10, U12, and U14 players are welcome in our Right Whales and Narwhals Fall Play regardless of field hockey experience. We welcome new, beginner, and experienced players and look forward to coaching each level of player to improve her individual level of play as well as grow with her teammates. Fall Season is all about improving teamwork and skills, focusing on game strategy as well as individual skill play to improve our overall game.
At this time, there will be no prorated payment plans, no postponed payments, and no refunds for Fall 2024.
Practice Locations
Hart Park
7300 W Chestnut Street
Brookfield Academy
Upper School Field
Patriots Hall
Fall 2023 in photos:
Fall 2022 in photos:
Fall 2021 in photos:
Fall 2020 in photos:
Fall 2019 in photos:
Fall 2018 in photos:
Fall 2017 in photos:
Fall 2016 in photos:
Fall 2015 in photos: